Hi! I’m Sarah or Bee. I’m a digital marketer by profession and an explorer by passion. I love experiencing new things, traveling to new places, trying out new food, immersing in other cultures, and learning new things.

Buzz by Bee is an outlet for all my adventures that never got out of my phone and camera gallery. Having a space for my travel, food trips, and other adventures brings back memories, but makes me relive them again… and I hope I get you excited about these things as well.

Explore HOU things focuses on my new journey here in Houston, Texas. Originally from the Philippines and have lived in Malaysia for the past 8 years, moving to Houston is a big change. So I asked ChatGPT to list down 100 things in Houston I should try & learn. This list excludes all HOU things I learned on my own, from my friends and family here because, trust me, there’s just a LOT.

I hope you can join me in this HOU journey together, and let’s explore or re-discover HOU from a fresh, new lens.